● Submissions are limited to 18 presentations per organisation, and 2 presentations per presenter.

● Abstracts focused on sales, marketing, or particular software packages will be declined.

● Please do not write software names in the title!

● Please use uppercase and lowercase in the title - each new word should begin with a capital letter!

● Please write your name etc. using uppercase and lowercase.

1. Abstract

Please keep your abstract clear & to the point of the topic you wish to present on.



Please provide a Title.

Focus/Topic Preference


Please provide some Topics.



Please provide an Abstract.

Would you like to be considered for publication in the NAFEMS Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Journal? To be eligible, this will require you to produce & submit a full manuscript which will be peer reviewed.


Please select a Publication Decision.

2. Presenting Author

Please identify the presenting author below.

This person should be who we communicate with during the abstract review process and who will be listed in the agenda in the first position.

First Name


Please provide a First Name.

Last Name


Please provide a Last Name.

Email Address


Please provide an Email Address

Phone Number


Please provide a Phone Number



Please provide a Company.

Job Title


Please provide a Job Title.

3. Co-Authors (Optional)

4. Comments (Optional)


Please provide valid comments.

5. Submitted By

First Name


Please provide a First Name.

Last Name


Please provide a Last Name.

Email Address


Please provide an Email Address

Phone Number


Please provide a Phone Number



Please provide a Company.

Job Title


Please provide a Job Title.